A Life

Full of music, feeling, love, beauty, and fashion. A life that is mine.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

No Lies, Just Love

First of all,
Greenbay won. <----laaaame. Green and Yellow together is just atrocious, and what the heck does cheese have to do with football?

Second of all, I haven't watched Glee in months, and I did tonight. DARREN CRISS IS ON THE CAST OF GLEE?! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME?! HE'S HARRY FREAKING POTTER! Also, the Dalton Warblers are the best group. mmhm. I thoroughly enjoyed their performance of "Bills, bills, bills" tonight. 'Twas seriously sweet.

Also, I've been putting together more playlists. I might start switching them on out the blog. The new ones are more or less organized by genre--so I'm sorry if I put up a genre you can't stand for awhile. Until I decide to start switching them out, here they are.

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Let me know what you guys think ;)

My little sister is being born tomorrow, and this is how I'd like her to meet me:

"I hope that womb's not too warm,
Because it's cold out here,
and it will be quite a shock
to breathe this air,
to discover loss.
So I'd like to make some changes
before you arrive,
so when your new eyes meet mine,
they won't see no lies,
Just love.
Just love."

"No Lies, Just Love" By Bright Eyes in the playlist in the sidebar.

Welcome, Sister


  1. So...I'm pretty sure that you and I have rocked out to most of those songs on your mainstream playlist. Just sayin. :)
