A Life

Full of music, feeling, love, beauty, and fashion. A life that is mine.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"My Only Regret is Having Regrets"

Yesterday I was in rehearsal for campus band, just like any other Tuesday night.  Playing music I could've performed when we were handed it on the first day. During one of our student director's pieces, Pastorale, I was watching him begin directing, and I found my eyes had welled up with tears.  I remember looking directly into his eyes as he was cue-ing the chimes, and the amount of concentration and passion that was on his face touched me.  Tyler is an amazing director.  I envy him.  Only because I'm not a music major anymore, and the reason it made me cry is the realization that I will never direct the way he does.  I will never have a band/orchestra that I can be proud of when I lower my arms from conducting.
Don't get me wrong, I know I made the right decision in being a Theater major.  I'm doing much better with my grades, and I'm much happier.  The thing is that I keep feeling like I gave up on music, when I know that isn't the case.  I still play, I still sing--I still involve myself in music in any way I can.  I will never stop loving it, whether or not it is my career.  I guess I wish I could just magically learn theory to make it through the classes so I could just skip to the teaching part..but that's not how it works.  With theater, I'm learning so much, and successfully.  I know I'm where I'm meant to be--Just some lingering thoughts.  Makes me think about my connection to August Rush.

My best friend is in town, Mrs. Kimberly McGee! :DD I'm so happy it's ridiculous.  I don't know I survived 5 months without her, and when she leaves on Sunday::I'm gonna be a mess. /dkrufaioreghlsk

I've been working on a series with photography, called the Ladies of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  They're based off the founders of the houses of Hogwarts, and makeup designed by yours truly :) Ogle it. I'm very proud of the pictures so far, Lady Slytherin and Hufflepuff have already premiered!  I absolutely adore photography. I can't get over it. SO many ideas.

Also, I adore this wonderful man. Seth Carmical :) I'm still awe-struck at the fact that he is mine--and that's just it.  He is MINE, and I am HAPPY!

I had more to blog about, but it has escaped my memory.  More to come later, I'm sure :P

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